[Eboo] Important : Veuillez effectuer la mise à jour de votre accès Eboo dès maintenant (2023-08-24)


Threat actors collecting personal information and credit card credentials


Threat actors are targeting eboo customers to collect personal information and credit card credentials.

The phishing mail leads the user to believe that an eboo account access is needed.

By clicking on the link “Mettre à jour l’accès Eboo”, the user is redirected to a page where they must choose a device (Token or LuxTrust Mobile). Regardless of the choice of the device, the LuxTrust credentials are asked, after which the user has to enter their credit card credentials. After this step is completed, the user has to enter a link they have received via SMS, after which they have to provide the SMS code received. The user then has to enter the OTP code, after a confirmation page is shown. After having provided credit card credentials, the user is asked to give some personal information. Finally, the user has to enter his bank credentials.

After successful completion of all the steps, the attacker is able to perform a bank transfer.


phishing_email phishing_choose_device phishing_luxtrust_credentials phishing_credit_card_credentials phishing_sms_link phishing_sms_code phishing_payment_confirmation phishing_otp phishing_pii phishing_bank_login


Wann Dir Iech net sécher sidd datt en E-mail wierklech vun der Persoun geschéckt gouf vun där dësen soll kommen, da kënnt Dir ëmmer bei der Verwaltung oder bei der Persoun selwer iwwer ee séchere Kommunikatiounskanal nofroen. Zum Beispill iwwer Telefon (d'Nummer soll deen Ament awer net aus dem E-Mail geholl ginn mee muss manuell iwwerpréift ginn).
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