We highlight current phishing threats and provide guidance on how to detect them.Threat actors collecting LuxTrust credentials, OTP tokens and credit card credentials |
[Eboo] Important : Veuillez effectuer la mise à jour de votre accès Eboo dès maintenant 2023-08-24 Threat actors collecting personal information and credit card credentials |
Échec de la livraison 2023-08-15 Threat actors collecting personal information and credit card credentials |
[Eboo] Mise à jour de l'accès - Action requise 2023-08-10 Threat actors targeting eboo customers to collect personal information and credit card credentials |
Quand vous l'aurez, merci de me le faire savoir. 2023-07-31 Threat actors collecting email credentials |
Votre compte est bloqué 2023-07-25 Threat actors targeting eboo customers to collect personal information and credit card credentials |
Shipping REF#68306 2023-07-20 Threat actors collecting Microsoft account credentials |
Téléchargement disponible 2023-07-11 Threat actors collecting e-mail credentials |
NOUVELLE REGLEMENTATION: SECURITE CLIENT-FRD-C-1486014 2023-07-05 Threat actors collecting BNP Paribas account information |
RUSH RE: PO 4503203977 / 304105295 2023-06-28 Threat actors collecting Microsoft 365 credentials |
If you are uncertain about the authenticity of an email, do not hesitate to contact the entity that seems to have sent you the email using a safe communication manner, using the phone for example (no phone number from the untrusted email must be used in order to verify the authenticity).If you are working for the Luxembourgish government or are using any of the GOVCERT.LU services, it is important to forward phishing emails to us (using Reporting an incident or the Outlook button). This will allow us to take down phishing websites and protect members of our constituency.
Report an incident
If you wish to report an incident anonymously, please complete the PGP encrypted reporting form.
> Report> More Information