KYC verification (2022-04-11)


Threat actors try to collect Metamask cryptocurrency wallet recovery pass-phrases.


Threat actors are using a fake Metamask cryptocurrency wallet theme to trick potential victims into submitting their recovery pass-phrases.

The risk is that recovery pass-phrases can be used to access a Metamask account, without having a username nor password. The Metamask cryptocurrency wallet supports transactions of several cryptocurrency types. Hence, this attack is generic and does not target a specific cryptocurrency.

In the phishing e-mail, we can see that the e-mail address of the sender, admin@worldmedicalalliance[.]com, is not in relation with Metamask. When clicking on the “Verify your wallet” link, a fake Metamask page with a recovery pass-phrase form is presented. Even if the page is well designed, the domain in the URL, buforddental[.]com, is not from Metamask.

All the others buttons in the phishing web page, redirect to the official Metamask website. For instance, when clicking on the “Download” button a redirection to takes place.


Phishing-email Phishing-web-page legitimate-web-page


Wenn Sie sich nicht sicher sind, ob eine E-Mail tatsächlich vom vermeintlichen Absender stammt, können Sie im Zweifel selber bei der Person nachfragen. Dies sollte über einen anderen zuverlässigen Kommunikationskanal geschehen, zum Beispiel per Telefon, wobei die kontaktierte Nummer selbstverständlich nicht aus der zu überprüfenden E-Mail entnommen werden sollte.
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